proportions of a body and astrology

geometrical body builds

ratio of male and female shapes
geometrical calculations of scientific researches
proportions of sizes in calculations
astrological or geometrical portrait
parameters of mathematical ratios
ndividual physic shapes and sizes

Page 7.

zodiacal configurations of planets
horoscopes and birth maps of people

body builds and proportions of human physical figures  

Astrological figures of human bodies.
The seventh page describes ratio of astrological planets in horoscopes and birth maps of people with individual proportions of human bodies.

The information on influence of planets on proportional parameters of human bodies can be interesting to astrologists and people interested in studying of astrology, as planetary influences on proportions of human physical figures are caused by positions and values of planets in signs on the zodiac.
For correct measurements of planetary values it is necessary to apply the table which is shown on this page and differs from traditional methods of calculations in astrology.


Astrological figures of human physical proportions.
Ratio of planets with parameters of body builds.

In the astrology there are descriptions of external appearances of people and physiognomy of faces according to ratio of birth dates with zodiac signs, and also in astrological books it is possible to find opinions of astrologists on influences of planets on facial shapes that is generalized and subjective information which not always can be authentic in application to concrete people.
Also in astrological literature it is possible to find data on ratio of planets in horoscopes and birth maps or natal charts with parameters of body builds. Such data too in most cases are doubtful, as opinions of astrologists are connected with psychological characteristics of planets, but in view of geometrical forms of human bodies in a context of astrology it is necessary to consider planets irrespective of psychological meanings, but only as physical values which cause geometrical transformations of individual proportions.
Though it is possible to do estimations of human personalities according to psychological meanings of astrological planets which are reasons of geometrical transformations of body builds.
Physic shapes of human bodies in frontal face-to-face perspectives correspond with cardinal points of astrological circle, and in particular with tops of zodiac houses AS, DS, MC, IC in horoscopes and birth maps of people, and also with lines of the diheptagonal geometrical network which determines measurements and proportions of body builds, that is shown on the chart.

physical shapes of bodies in zodiacal houses in horoscopes and birth maps Lines MC-IC and AS-DS in space of diheptagonal geometrical network correspond to linear coordinates concerning which proportions of human bodies can be transformed, and also these lines form the cardinal cross of astrological circle or cardinal points in systems of zodiacal houses in horoscopes and birth maps of people.
If horoscope or birth map of a person has many planets in any zones between lines MC-IC and AS-DS then corresponding half of human body have big sizes. Namely geometrical parameters of human physic shapes and proportions of a body build correspond to lines of diheptagonal network which is transformed according to prevalence of planets in those or other zones between lines MC-IC and AS-DS.

It is necessary to consider not only positions of astrological planets in horoscopes and birth maps but also planetary values, as transformations of geometrical proportions of human bodies are caused by influence of stronger planets, that is shown in the table.

calculations of planets in the table for predictions in view of scientific astrology Planets are designated by Latin letters above the table: Sun (SL), Moon (LN), Mercury (ME), Venus (VE), Mars (MA), Jupiter (UP), Saturn (SA), Uranus (UR), Neptune (NE), Pluto (PL), Proserpine (PR), Chiron (XR).
Signs of zodiac are specified at the left: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Crab, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Numbers in cells of the table correspond to values of astrological planets in signs on the zodiac.
If in horoscope or birth map of a person there are many planets in any zones between lines MC-IC and AS-DS, and also if these planets have greater values in signs of zodiac then corresponding halves of a human body have big sizes of physic shapes.
For example, if the planet Venus in a horoscope has position in the zone AS-IC and in the zodiacal sign Libra then her value is 10. In this case geometrical parameters of a body build correspond to lines of diheptagonal network which is transformed in directions IC and AS. Namely such person has big sizes of bottom and left halves of body, that in particular corresponds to proportions of a human figure in 14th cell in the table which is shown on the previous page.


In total twelve planets as a result of movement in solar system form infinite quantity of planetary constellations. And accordingly planets create infinite number of astrological figures in horoscopes and birth maps of people, that is the reason of a huge variety of individual proportions of human bodies.
It is necessary to analyze common sets of planetary forces and parities of values in horoscopes and birth maps to estimate physic parameters of body builds.
And also it is necessary to consider opposite positions of astrological planets in horoscopes.
In particular if strong Venus is in zone AS-IC, and strong Mars is in zone DS-MC then influences of two opposite planets are neutralized by one another, and as a result physic parameters of a human figure has harmonious proportions of geometrical shapes. Namely sizes and measurements of halves in shapes of a body build are equal.
In a similar way in a context of astrology it is possible to analyze ratios of planets with physic parameters of human body shapes, and also it is possible to consider many other correlations of planetary features in horoscopes and birth maps, that I can not tell in detail as the question on influence of planets on geometrical proportions of human bodies is very complex and requires statistical acknowledgement. But I hope that this question will be interesting to research.
I shall be glad if information of this page will help to understand astrological concepts and geometrical principles according to which human bodies are formed.
The additional information on physical proportions and somatic shapes of human body builds look to the address of and also on pages of other websites within the internet portal
Pay attention that the shown table of planetary values differs from traditional tables according to which astrologists calculate forces of planets in astrology.
I hope that information on this table will be published in popular scientific astrological magazines with publications of horoscopes and zodiacal predictions. As correct calculations are necessary for predictions in view of scientific astrology, if my science will be interesting to publishers of astrological books and magazines.


In the end of this page it is necessary to tell about ratio of planets in horoscopes and birth maps of people with geometrical parameters of human bodies in lateral perspectives, that is shown in following chart.

geometrical parameters of a human figure and four astrological elements The grey contour designates lateral perspectives of a human figure in space of diheptagonal linear network.
Thick lines divide shapes of a figure into four quarters.
Back - first quarter.
Breast - second quarter.
Buttocks - third quarter.
Forward muscles of legs - fourth quarter.
Quarters of a body correspond to four astrological elements which are fire, earth, air, water. And also geometrical quarters of lateral perspectives of the shown figure correspond to four mental functions of a human personality in a context of Jungian analytical psychology and Brigs-Majers' type indicator.
Look information about Jungian and Brigs-Majers' analytical psychology on the previous page in this section of website.

Quarters of a body and four astrological elements, and also mental functions of personality have following conformity with zodiac signs.
Back - earth - logics - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Breast - fire - ethics - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Buttocks - water - intuition - Crab, Scorpio, Pisces.
Muscles of legs - air - sensory - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
If horoscope or birth map of a person has strong planets in signs on the zodiac of those or other astrological elements then corresponding quarters of a body figure have big sizes of geometrical shapes, and also corresponding mental functions of personality in a context of Jungian analytical psychology are significant.
For example, if the planet Venus in a horoscope has value of nine points in the zodiacal sign Taurus which belongs to elements of earth then lateral perspective of such human body figure possesses big size of a back, that corresponds to significant logic function of personality.
If Mars has eight points in the zodiacal sign Sagittarius in fiery elements then figure of a person possesses greate size of a breast, that corresponds to significant ethical function.
If the planet Jupiter in a horoscope has nine points in the zodiacal sign Piscies in elements of water then sizes of a body figure have big buttocks, that corresponds to significant intuition.
If the moon in a horoscope has seven points in the zodiacal sign Libra in astrological elements of air then physical proportions of a human figure have big forward muscles of legs, that corresponds to significant sensory function.
In total it is necessary to consider set of all planets in horoscopes and birth maps of people, that allows by means of astrology and visual analyses of physic body shapes to identify psychological types of personalities in a context of Jungian and Brigs-Majers' analytical psychology. Namely it is necessary to consider proportions of bodies in lateral geometrical perspectives and positions of planets in signs on the zodiac according to four astrological elements, that allows to identify significant mental functions of a brain. And also it is necessary to consider shapes of body figures in frontal face-to-face perspectives with positions of planets in astrological zones between lines MC-IC and AS-DS, that allows to identify attributes of rational and irrational mental functions or tendencies of extraversion and introversion, and in the sum it allows to identify psychological types of human personalities.
And also visual analyses of proportional parameters of human bodies according to features of birth maps and horoscopes allow to see planets which are reasons of geometrical transformations of physic body shapes, that specifies key points which form structures of a man within astrological circle.

Following page shows proportional patterns of human bodies in space of different polygonal linear networks, and also ratios of body builds with geometrical configurations or astrological figures of planets in birth maps and horoscopes.

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